465 Alumni Inc.
Hickory Flat,

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Troop SponsorClick Here to join 465 Alumni Inc. today!

The troop sponsor, also known as the Chartered Organization, plays a very important role in any Scout troop. The sponsor is granted a charter by the Boy Scouts of America and "owns" the troop. The troop sponsor approves and selects the troop committee, the Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmasters, and all troop leaders. Troop 465 is sponsored by 465 Alumni Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation created by alumni of Troop 465 whose mission is to promote Scouting in the local community.

Visit the Support Troop 465 page to find ways you can help 465 Alumni Inc. support Troop 465 and it's mission to deliver the promise of Scouting to our community.

About 465 Alumni Inc.

465 Alumni,Inc. Mission Statement

Whereas; Boy Scout Troop 465, under the leadership of Scoutmaster George Lingefelt, has, over the past 30 years, achieved a high degree of recognition in the community as well as in the Atlanta Area Council of The Boy Scouts of America, of its abilities in the administration of a Boy Scout Troop and,

Whereas; the core philosophy employed over the years Troop 465 was derived by Mr. Lingefelt from The Scoutmasters Handbook, Sixth Edition, 1972, it is hereby agreed that the philosophies having been used with success in the operation of Troop 465 over the past 30 years shall be extended in perpetuity.

A partial listing of the philosophies as written in The Scoutmaster’s Handbook as listed above includes :

1. A good Scoutmaster works from this base: never do anything for a boy that the boy can do for himself.

2. A Scoutmaster controls, but does not command. He calls the signals but is rarely “up front”. A Scoutmaster is more like a coach than a commander. His work is done before the action takes place. A good Scoutmaster works himself into the background and the boy leaders into the foreground. He spends more time training boys than doing their work.

3. A Scoutmaster’s goal should be that of training future leaders by giving the opportunity to lead, then molding and guiding that leadership.

465 Alumni,Inc. Creed

As an adult member of BSA Troop 465, I affirm a belief in God, I acknowledge that the scouting movement is non-sectarian and requires a duty to God.

I affirm and agree to conduct my life by adhering to the scout oath and law as all scouts are expected to do.

I agree to conduct the scouting program according to our sponsor's policies and guidelines as well as those of the Boy Scouts of America.

I hereby agree to require that each scout I counsel in rank advancement or merit badge achievement specifically follow each requirement of the rank or badge exactly as the requirement are written.

I believe and affirm that as an adult member of Troop 465, my purpose is to help build character in boys and support my Troop. Therefore I shall set an example by performing correctly the duties I owe to God, my Country, my family, my neighbors and myself.

Board of Directors


The troop sponsor, also known as the Chartered Organization, plays a very important role in any Scout troop. The sponsor is granted a charter by the Boy Scouts of America and "owns" the troop. The troop sponsor approves and selects the troop committee, the Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmasters, and all troop leaders. One can see that if there was ever a divide between the troop sponsor and it's Scout troop, it could spell disaster.

In 1996, Troop 465 avoided such a disaster by becoming sponsored by an organization created as 465 Alumni, Inc. Prior to that time, it had been the dream of many "alumni" of Troop 465 to be associated with a troop sponsor that fully understood its history and philosophies.

On December 3, 1996, through the efforts of attorney Jim Turner '73 (an Eagle Scout of Troop 465) and the Board of Directors, 465 Alumni, Inc. was created as a non-profit corporation. The mission statement formed by the charter members of 465 Alumni, Inc. specifically identifies the methods that George Lingefelt employed during his 35 years as Scoutmaster of Troop 465.

Soon thereafter, a building was purchased and moved onto three acres that now belongs to 465 Alumni, Inc. This location serves as the Scout hut of Troop 465 to this day. Many friends of the Troop have participated in bringing the Scout hut and grounds to their present condition. To ensure that the Troop 465 legacy continues, please download and complete a 465 Alumni Inc. Membership Application.

In 2009, 465 Alumni, Inc. became classified as a 501(c)3. Due to that classification, 465 Alumni, Inc. can now accept tax deductible donations.


As of 2018, the following totals have been achieved:

  • 97 Scouts have been awarded the Rank of Eagle. This number represents 8.4% of Scouts ever registered with the troop, well above the national average of 1% to 2%.
  • 14 lives have been documented as having been saved by Troop members.
  • 47 local residents have participated as Assistant Scoutmasters.
  • 128 local residents have participated as Committee Members.
  • Registered Adult participation with Troop 465 is over 900 years!

Visit the Troop 465 History page for more history of Troop 465.

BSA Troop 465, 5742 East Cherokee Drive
Canton, GA 30115

Chief Executive Officer
Art Wick

For website suggestions, history site additions, pictures of troop events to upload, etc., please email: webmaster@465alumni.org
Updated 10/22/18